Friday, March 7, 2014

Stories of Battle Scars

Throughout life, each of us gets hurt in multiple ways. We could have broken bones, we could have cut our toe off or we could have just gotten scratched from a thorn. Though the majority of us have not been to war, people commonly refer to any evidence of an injury as a “battle scar”.

Tell about a time you received a “battle scar” or any kind of injury, whether it be a scratch, breaking a bone or losing a finger. Tell the whole story including how it happened and how the injury was taken care of (by being put in a cast, by requiring stiches, etc.). Construct a detailed paragraph to describe your story in detail.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Online vs. Regular Store

Though physical stores have been the major place to buy things in the past, many people have been turning to the internet to purchase the things that they want.

What are the advantages of buying things from a physical store? What are the advantages of purchasing products from online? Which way do you prefer to buy things? Give reasons to provide evidence for why you prefer to buy things a specific way.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sticks and Stones

There is an old saying that goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. This saying is often said in response to teasing or verbal bulling from one child to another. The truth is that the words we say can and sometimes do hurt, even if we did not mean for them to.

Tell about a time that you really hurt someone by something that you said. Were you able to fix the problem quickly and easily, or did the problem require time and effort to be resolved?


Tell about a time you accidently broke something that was very important or valuable. What happened? How did you react? Who else found out about it? How was the broken item fixed or the problem resolved?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dinner Plans

You may have grown up with a family that either cooks everything from scratch, buys all their meals prepared or a combination of the two. Either way, throughout your life you have been exposed to cooking.

As you look back on your many meals with your family, how have your dinner habits affected what you ate for dinner?

If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you cook? Why would you choose this meal and how would you prepare it? How do you think your family would react to the meal you prepare?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Being Sick

Everyone gets sick sometime. Some people may be very good at fighting the flu but may have a terrible time with another sickness such as colds or allergies.

Do you usually get sick often or just once in a while?  What warning signs or indications do you experience that help you to notice that you are getting sick or will become sick soon?
Tell about a time that you got sick, even if it was a bad headache. What happened? How long did it last? How did you eventually get better/recover?

The Loudest Voice

When people say “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” this means that individuals who complain are often heard and get taken care of first and more often than those who do not.

-Do you believe that the person who is the loudest or complains most should be first priority? Defend your answer with examples and reasoning.
To support your position take into consideration and answer the following questions:
-What kind of people should have their needs taken care of first?
-What is the correct way to react to people who complain, are loud, or are plain obnoxious?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Enemy Tolerance

Tell about an instance in which you had to spend time with a person who you did not like. You do not need to divulge the person’s name.

Was it easy or difficult to spend time with the person? What did you learn about that person by spending time with him or her? What did you learn that can help you, the next time you have to interact with a person you dislike?

Grossed Out

Though some people are not disgusted by anything, most people are grossed out by things like toilet scrubbers, octopi, worms, slugs, flies, cockroaches, or dead animals.

What things are you (or someone you know) grossed out by? Why do people get grossed out? What kind of reactions do people usually exhibit when exposed to something gross?


Even if you are often correct in the things that you say, each person comes to a realization that he occasionally makes a mistake.

Tell about a time you were wrong in something you said to another person. Did another person notice your mistake? Did you admit your mistake to anyone? How did the mistake change your behavior?

Movie Criteria

Suppose you are in the mood to watch a movie that you have never seen before and you are not looking for a specific title. What kinds of things do you look for in a movie? Do you pick a movie depending on your mood (or how you feel)? Do you pick movies based on your values? Does the movie rating matter to you?
What themes (or genres) interest you? Some examples of genres are westerns, documentaries, nature films, mysteries, spy movies, fantasy or science fiction, family friendly, futuristic, thrillers (scary) or adventure movies that are filled with action.

Give at least 3 factors you employ to determine what movie to pick. Then tell where you prefer to watch movies most (e.g. at your house, at a friends, at a park or in a theatre) and who you would prefer watching a movie with. Lastly, describe the food you prefer to munch on while viewing a good flick (movie).

Monday, November 4, 2013

Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Modified (GM) crops are plants which have had genes inserted into their seeds to enable a farmer to increase crop yield while saving money. Often a crop is changed genetically to make it more resistant to disease, to make their own insecticide, to be resistant to high doses of pesticide, or grow larger so that the plant produces more food. However, GM crops could also contain pesticides because a plant could make its own pesticide or because a greater amount of pesticide can be applied to a pesticide-resistant crop. Additionally, many people argue that “playing with genes” by doing things such as inserting the antifreeze gene from fish into tomato or strawberry plants will have negative health affects to people that eat the plants.
Do you believe that genetically modified foods are good or bad? Support your position with at least 3 reasons or examples that illustrate why GM foods should or should not be created.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Favorite Food Recipe

Make a list of your favorite foods. Do these foods share anything in common or are they all generally different? Now, make a recipe using all of these favorite foods. Would you eat it or would your recipe turn out to be something disgusting?

Friday, September 6, 2013

If I could learn a Skill...

Each person has specific skills and abilities that they are born with or have developed over time. Some pelple are greate artists, great leaders, are skilled in working with wood, stone, or even programming computers.

What skill do you wish you had? What would you do if you had this skill? What things could you do in your life to develop this skill?

Relaxing or Wasting Time?

What is the difference between relaxing and wasting time? How can you tell, when you look a person, if he is relaxing or just wasting time?

My Fair

Imagine you were in charge of the county or state fair. What kinds of things would you include in your fair? How would it be different from other fairs? What kinds of exhibits would you have on display? What kinds of rides would you offer? What kind of foods would you sell? What people would you have perform tricks or sing to those at the fair?

Universal Employment Skills

As jobs in the United States have become more sophisticated and complex, many of the jobs have shifted from being very general (such as shoveling dirt and sorting parts in a factory) to being more specific (repairing a computer network or programming a factory’s robotic arm).

No matter what job you are hired for or environment you work in, what job skills do you believe will continue to be essential for any job in the future?

Examples of skills could include: working with others, ability to learn, working well with technology, ability to present ideas and problem solving.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Internet Startup

In the past it was commonly said that the three most important things for a business are location, location, location. Now, in the time of internet commerce, nearly everyone has access to the same location (or platform) to start a business.

So, without a specific location to present a product, what do you feel are the three most important factors to successfully starting up an internet business? Explain why each factor will enable an internet business to become a success.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Response

Often, more can be learned from a person you disagree with (and your response to that person) then from a person you do agree with.

How do you act when you disagree with a person? Are you defensive or do you just ignore them? Tell about a time you had a disagreement with someone. What did you learn from the encounter?

Hearing vs. Listening

Recently, it seems as if there are more ways to access music and sound than ever before. However, at the same time, though the amount of noise and music has increased there is no evidence that the amount of thoughtful listening people exhibit has increased as well.

What do you believe is the difference between hearing and listening? Can a person hear without listening? Does a person who cannot hear have the ability to listen? Support your answers with examples and/or reasoning

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Away from Home

There are many stories about individuals who have taken a journal to a far away land to eventually return with increased experience and wisdom. Although you may have never taken such a life- altering journey, most people have spent some period away from their home.
What is the longest time that you have been gone from home? Tell about your journey. Why did you go and how did the trip affect your life?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Unrewarded Efforts

There is a saying, more often used by parents and bosses than by children or employees, which is “hard work is its own reward”. Do you believe this saying to be true or false? Why?

Tell about a time when your “hard work” was not rewarded in the way you had hoped. Did this lead you to want to work more or less? What do you believe is the true reward that work brings?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Movie Impact

What movie or television series has exhibited the greatest affect on your life?

Give name of the movie or series, provide a detailed description and tell how it changed your life in some way.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


The fact that no one is perfect is most frequently validated when we look introspectively and examine our own weaknesses. Though admitting weakness can be difficult for some, doing so can help an individual to examine why his weakness is such a concern.

Describe three things in your life, about you personally, that you feel are weaknesses. Why do you feel they are weaknesses and what have you done (or could you do) to remediate each deficiency? For example: a person who recognizes his negative attitude may choose to think of more positive things or associate with people who are positive.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Simplifying Life

Life’s challenges, activities and the competing interest for our time and attention can make it difficult to focus on what is most important. Often times, individuals are forced to change something in their life to make it less complex.

Describe three times in which you chose to simplify your life. What was going on beforehand to make your life complicated and what did you do to simplify things?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Waste of Money

Even those who have plenty of money will sometimes cringe when they have to spend money on things they would rather not have to purchase. Are there things in your life that you wouldn’t buy if you did not have to? Is there anything you feel that you either waste money or time buying that you would rather not even deal with?

Tell about 3 things that you would rather not buy and tell why you feel that you are wasting your time and/or money by purchasing each item.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Over the years, there has been a steady increase in the number of children who are homeschooled in the United States. A parent may choose to homeschool their child for a number of reasons including more control over how the curriculum is taught as well as the time of day in which the child receives instruction.

Generate a list of the pros and the cons that you can imagine that think of associated with homeschooling versus not homeschooling. Based on your list, do you wish that you were ever homeschooled during your education? Why or why not? Looking into the future, do you believe that you would ever homeschool your own children? Why or why not?

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Effect of our Choices

One person may seem vain when they say that the choices they make effect everyone else around them while others may sound selfish when they state that their choices affect no one.

So, what is the truth about how much your choices affect others? Do your choices affect others a great deal or not very much? Use several examples from your life to illustrate your point and to support your position.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Brand Loyalty

Though many people don’t care too much where many of the things in their house come from, we occasionally develop a desire to buy only one brand of something, such as toilet paper, shampoo, or cereal.

Name any item in your home that you must have a particular brand of. Did your preference towards this brand develop out of habit (my mom always buys that brand) or did you develop your preference based on some other reason?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Intentional Change

Though there are some people who enjoy changes in life, many people do not make changes unless they have to. Whether it is in moving to a new house, changing schools, or changing old habits, change can be difficult.

Tell about a time when you intentionally changed something in your life (and not just your clothes). Why did you make this change? Was it difficult? What provided you with the strength to carry out your decision to make the change? Did you have anyone around to support you?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Value of The View

Often times, the worth of land has been measured in how much of a valuable commodity it can produce. For example, if land is along a major street it is often valued for its commercial value, while if the surface of a property is located over a deposit of oil, its value is often measured by how much oil can be extracted from the deposit.
Imagine that the federal government is contemplating the creation of a mine over a large metal deposit that was recently discovered below the middle of a beautiful national park. If you were given the opportunity to present to the government an analysis of the value of the land for its recreational and aesthetic use, what factors would you consider? In your analysis, consider how each factor relates to a specific economic value rather than just the enjoyment a visitor receives by coming to the park.

Ladder of Opportunity

Long ago, the opportunities that a person has in his or her life were related more with his race and family then with how much money he had or was able to make each year. Now, after having an African American president, many have argued that the opportunities to progress in life have more to do with how much money one has or makes then with race.

What do you believe is now the most important factor for an individual’s progression in America? Is it race, money, or something else? Support your position with arguments or reasoning.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Buying Happiness

One day, when coming back from the store my 8-year-old daughter said, “I’m happy that I got to buy so many neat things.” I reminded her that you cannot buy happiness. “I know” she said to me. “Happiness has to be earned.”

Do you believe my daughter's statement to be right or wrong? In what ways can happiness be earned? In what ways is happiness not something that can be earned?

Progress and Pollution

Some people just accept pollution as part of life while others avoid and despise it. Many in America believe that pollution is actually necessary for progress and economic growth.

What do you believe about pollution and progress? Is pollution a necessary evil or can we live without it?

Of Fear

Although fear is a common human emotion our response to it varies. Write about a time in which you were most scared or responded the most to fear. What happened? What did you do about it?

What do you think causes fear? What have you done to overcome fear in your life?

Events to Look Forward to

Much of the events that occur in our lives can be termed as “commonplace” or “boring”. However, occasionally something happens that grabs our attention and renews us with energy for life. One example of this is when someone orders something they have been saving up for, and it comes in the mail or going to an event with friends.

Tell about an event in your life that happens occasionally, that gets you excited and re-energized. What is the event? How do you prepare for it? How does this event effect you? Give as much detail as possible in your response.

Sugar and Hyperactivity

For years, American parents have blamed much of their children’s hyperactive behavior on the child’s intake on sugar. However, a 1995 study by the Center for Science in the Public interest linked a child’s hyperactivity during sugar consumption with a parent’s expectations or to the activities that are associated with sugar, such as birthday parties and Halloween – rather than to the sugar itself. Many North American sugar industry representatives have cited this study as clear evidence that sugar does not cause hyperactivity. (See

What do you believe? Do you believe that sugar causes hyperactivity in children? If so, state what evidence you have that can prove your argument. If you do not believe that sugar causes hyperactivity, you must also prove your opinion with evidence or reasoning.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Show your Support

If you could wear a shirt that has any company or organization’s logo on it, which company or organization would you have on it? Why?

What factors drive us to support a company or organization enough to be a walking advertisement by wearing a logo? What kind of statement would you make by wearing the logo you chose?

Delayed Gratification

Many people have to wait a long time to be able to get something that they really want for many reasons. These reasons could include lack of skills, money, or time. Tell about a time that you have experienced, seen another experience, or are currently experiencing in which you had to delay gratification by waiting for something you really wanted.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Even if an individual is not prone to anger, it is likely that others in his life may occasionally do or say something that ruffles his feathers. Tell about a time when someone made you, or a friend of yours, upset.

What actions occurred, what words were spoken, and how were those words or actions interpreted? Describe how the conflict was resolved and what you learned from this encounter to help you overcome future conflict.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Taking Responsibility

Benjamin Franklin once said that, “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” Do you believe that this is true? Why or why not?
What things in life do you sometimes find yourself making excuses for? Describe the situation completely.
Which person has more control over their life – a person who takes responsibility for their actions or a person who makes excuses? Defend your position with examples or reasoning.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Once in a Lifetime

The term “once in a lifetime” refers to an event that is so rare that you probably will never see it happen again, at least not in your lifetime. Have you ever had a rare event happen to you that was a “once in a lifetime” opportunity? If so, describe it in detail and tell why you believe it will never occur again.
If you have never had a “once in a lifetime” experience, what you feel are the three most important events in your life (other than your birth). Why are each of these events so important to you in your life?

Healthcare Rights

Some people believe that, in order to care for its citizens, the United States should establish a universal health care system to decrease the cost of healthcare for everyone. Others feel that the right to healthcare is an individual’s right, and that a citizen must pay for healthcare if he or she decides to use it. Because hospitals often cannot deny individuals the right for emergency room services, hospitals often treat emergency health care as a right, and then bill the patient for services afterwards.

What do you believe? Do you believe that healthcare is a right or do you believe that people should receive services based only on their ability to pay for them?

Wired for Losing

Some may wonder why the number of people playing the lottery has steadily increased over the years despite the fact that the vast majority of those who play end up losing money. Some think of the playing the lottery as a source of entertainment while others disdainfully refer to the lottery as a “tax on the stupid”.

Why do you believe people keep playing the lottery – even when they lose money?

Do you believe that the Lottery is taking advantage of people? Explain why or why not.

Monday, April 15, 2013


An unknown author once wrote, “Sometimes people don’t notice the things others do for them until they stop doing them.” Think about all the things that people around you do to help you, either because they genuinely care about you or because they just happen to be in a situation to support you.
Name five of these things that people do for you and explain why you appreciate these specific services people provide for you. For each of these things that people do for you, describe a situation in which you would be comfortable thanking them for their support.

Friday, April 12, 2013


There are many foods that people have claimed can produce some kind of miraculous side effects, such as improved health, energy, and increased immunity to environmental toxins. A few example of these foods touted to be “superfoods” include fish, dark green leafy vegetables, and berries such as raspberries, blueberries and goji berries.
Name 3 foods you consider to be a “superfood”. What positive effects do you believe each of superfood provides to those who consume it?

Subjective Grading

Many teachers, especially English and Art teachers, are criticized because parents feel that they profile specific students or types of students based on their biases. Because Jose had a smart sister means that Jose will be smart or because Julie has nice handwriting than her essay was a good one. Some art teachers even prefer a specific art piece because it concerns a topic they are interested in instead of because it is skillful artwork.

What do you think teachers and administrators need to do in order to remove biases from classes such as Art and English? Elaborate on your ideas using specific examples or reasoning.

Choice vs. Security

Young children are usually pretty happy, but are not able to make choices about their lives. Would you rather guaranteed relative happiness for the rest of your life and not be able to choose much about what you can do or would you rather struggle a lot but be able to make your own choices? Give multiple reasons for your position.

Will to Live

Many people who are put in difficult situations, including those who were in concentration camps, report that they were able to survive because of an inner force – a desire to live that was stronger than the problems they faced.

If you were put in a very difficult life-threatening situation what experiences or people in your life would inspire in you the will to live? Explain why drawing upon memories of these specific experiences or people would imbibe you with great strength.

Ultimate Experiment

Scientists spend years working on small experiments in an attempt to better understand the world around them. They are often limited by time, money and other concerns.

If you had no limits on your financial or other abilities to run an experiment, what experiment would you perform? What materials would you need for the experiment? What would your experimental and control groups be? What do you project (or hypothesize) would be the outcome of your experiment?