Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dinner Plans

You may have grown up with a family that either cooks everything from scratch, buys all their meals prepared or a combination of the two. Either way, throughout your life you have been exposed to cooking.

As you look back on your many meals with your family, how have your dinner habits affected what you ate for dinner?

If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you cook? Why would you choose this meal and how would you prepare it? How do you think your family would react to the meal you prepare?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Being Sick

Everyone gets sick sometime. Some people may be very good at fighting the flu but may have a terrible time with another sickness such as colds or allergies.

Do you usually get sick often or just once in a while?  What warning signs or indications do you experience that help you to notice that you are getting sick or will become sick soon?
Tell about a time that you got sick, even if it was a bad headache. What happened? How long did it last? How did you eventually get better/recover?

The Loudest Voice

When people say “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” this means that individuals who complain are often heard and get taken care of first and more often than those who do not.

-Do you believe that the person who is the loudest or complains most should be first priority? Defend your answer with examples and reasoning.
To support your position take into consideration and answer the following questions:
-What kind of people should have their needs taken care of first?
-What is the correct way to react to people who complain, are loud, or are plain obnoxious?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Enemy Tolerance

Tell about an instance in which you had to spend time with a person who you did not like. You do not need to divulge the person’s name.

Was it easy or difficult to spend time with the person? What did you learn about that person by spending time with him or her? What did you learn that can help you, the next time you have to interact with a person you dislike?

Grossed Out

Though some people are not disgusted by anything, most people are grossed out by things like toilet scrubbers, octopi, worms, slugs, flies, cockroaches, or dead animals.

What things are you (or someone you know) grossed out by? Why do people get grossed out? What kind of reactions do people usually exhibit when exposed to something gross?


Even if you are often correct in the things that you say, each person comes to a realization that he occasionally makes a mistake.

Tell about a time you were wrong in something you said to another person. Did another person notice your mistake? Did you admit your mistake to anyone? How did the mistake change your behavior?

Movie Criteria

Suppose you are in the mood to watch a movie that you have never seen before and you are not looking for a specific title. What kinds of things do you look for in a movie? Do you pick a movie depending on your mood (or how you feel)? Do you pick movies based on your values? Does the movie rating matter to you?
What themes (or genres) interest you? Some examples of genres are westerns, documentaries, nature films, mysteries, spy movies, fantasy or science fiction, family friendly, futuristic, thrillers (scary) or adventure movies that are filled with action.

Give at least 3 factors you employ to determine what movie to pick. Then tell where you prefer to watch movies most (e.g. at your house, at a friends, at a park or in a theatre) and who you would prefer watching a movie with. Lastly, describe the food you prefer to munch on while viewing a good flick (movie).

Monday, November 4, 2013

Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Modified (GM) crops are plants which have had genes inserted into their seeds to enable a farmer to increase crop yield while saving money. Often a crop is changed genetically to make it more resistant to disease, to make their own insecticide, to be resistant to high doses of pesticide, or grow larger so that the plant produces more food. However, GM crops could also contain pesticides because a plant could make its own pesticide or because a greater amount of pesticide can be applied to a pesticide-resistant crop. Additionally, many people argue that “playing with genes” by doing things such as inserting the antifreeze gene from fish into tomato or strawberry plants will have negative health affects to people that eat the plants.
Do you believe that genetically modified foods are good or bad? Support your position with at least 3 reasons or examples that illustrate why GM foods should or should not be created.