Monday, May 20, 2013

Internet Startup

In the past it was commonly said that the three most important things for a business are location, location, location. Now, in the time of internet commerce, nearly everyone has access to the same location (or platform) to start a business.

So, without a specific location to present a product, what do you feel are the three most important factors to successfully starting up an internet business? Explain why each factor will enable an internet business to become a success.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Response

Often, more can be learned from a person you disagree with (and your response to that person) then from a person you do agree with.

How do you act when you disagree with a person? Are you defensive or do you just ignore them? Tell about a time you had a disagreement with someone. What did you learn from the encounter?

Hearing vs. Listening

Recently, it seems as if there are more ways to access music and sound than ever before. However, at the same time, though the amount of noise and music has increased there is no evidence that the amount of thoughtful listening people exhibit has increased as well.

What do you believe is the difference between hearing and listening? Can a person hear without listening? Does a person who cannot hear have the ability to listen? Support your answers with examples and/or reasoning

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Away from Home

There are many stories about individuals who have taken a journal to a far away land to eventually return with increased experience and wisdom. Although you may have never taken such a life- altering journey, most people have spent some period away from their home.
What is the longest time that you have been gone from home? Tell about your journey. Why did you go and how did the trip affect your life?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Unrewarded Efforts

There is a saying, more often used by parents and bosses than by children or employees, which is “hard work is its own reward”. Do you believe this saying to be true or false? Why?

Tell about a time when your “hard work” was not rewarded in the way you had hoped. Did this lead you to want to work more or less? What do you believe is the true reward that work brings?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Movie Impact

What movie or television series has exhibited the greatest affect on your life?

Give name of the movie or series, provide a detailed description and tell how it changed your life in some way.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


The fact that no one is perfect is most frequently validated when we look introspectively and examine our own weaknesses. Though admitting weakness can be difficult for some, doing so can help an individual to examine why his weakness is such a concern.

Describe three things in your life, about you personally, that you feel are weaknesses. Why do you feel they are weaknesses and what have you done (or could you do) to remediate each deficiency? For example: a person who recognizes his negative attitude may choose to think of more positive things or associate with people who are positive.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Simplifying Life

Life’s challenges, activities and the competing interest for our time and attention can make it difficult to focus on what is most important. Often times, individuals are forced to change something in their life to make it less complex.

Describe three times in which you chose to simplify your life. What was going on beforehand to make your life complicated and what did you do to simplify things?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Waste of Money

Even those who have plenty of money will sometimes cringe when they have to spend money on things they would rather not have to purchase. Are there things in your life that you wouldn’t buy if you did not have to? Is there anything you feel that you either waste money or time buying that you would rather not even deal with?

Tell about 3 things that you would rather not buy and tell why you feel that you are wasting your time and/or money by purchasing each item.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Over the years, there has been a steady increase in the number of children who are homeschooled in the United States. A parent may choose to homeschool their child for a number of reasons including more control over how the curriculum is taught as well as the time of day in which the child receives instruction.

Generate a list of the pros and the cons that you can imagine that think of associated with homeschooling versus not homeschooling. Based on your list, do you wish that you were ever homeschooled during your education? Why or why not? Looking into the future, do you believe that you would ever homeschool your own children? Why or why not?

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Effect of our Choices

One person may seem vain when they say that the choices they make effect everyone else around them while others may sound selfish when they state that their choices affect no one.

So, what is the truth about how much your choices affect others? Do your choices affect others a great deal or not very much? Use several examples from your life to illustrate your point and to support your position.